Hanoi (VNA) - Malaysia's inflation jumped 4.4% annually inJuly 2022, reported the National Statistics Department (DOSM) on August29.
DOSM chief statistician Mohd Uzir Mahidin saidthe food index increased 6.9% and remained a main contributor to the rise ininflation during the month.
The increase in Malaysia’s inflation this month was also due tothe lower base effect last year as a result of the electricity bill discountfrom 5 to 40% according to total usage given to domestic consumers under theNational People's Well-Being and Economic Recovery Package from July-September2021, he said.
Apart from the food group, Mohd Uzir said all other groups alsocontinued to record increases, except for communication, from the sameperiod last year.
Restaurants andhotels increased 5.8%, followed by transport 5.6%; furnishings, household equipment& routine household maintenance 4%; and housing, water, electricity, gas& other fuels 3.8%.
Meanwhile,recreation services and culture also registered an increase of 2.5%, miscellaneousgoods & services 2.1% and education 1.2%.
The DOSMstatement said inflation for January-July increased 2.8% compared tothe same period of the previous year.
On a monthly basis, inflation increased 0.4% compared to June./.