Malaysia’s unemployment rate drops to 4.2 percent

Malaysia's unemployment rate fell to 4.2 percent in December from 4.3 percent in the previous month, data of the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) showed.
Malaysia’s unemployment rate drops to 4.2 percent ảnh 1Malaysia's unemployment rate fell to 4.2 percent in December from 4.3 percent in the previous month (Photo: Reuters)

Hanoi (VNA) – Malaysia's unemployment rate fell to 4.2 percent in December from 4.3 percent in the previous month, data of the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) showed.

In a statement, the DOSM said that the number of the employed in the country in December saw a marginal rise of 0.2 percent month-on-month to 15.65 million.

The employment-to-population ratio recorded a slight increase to 66.1 percent in the month from 66 percent in last November.

Meanwhile, the number of unemployed persons in Malaysia continued to decrease by 1 percent month-on-month to 687,600 in December.

According to the DOSM, the aftermath of the pandemic caused the economic revival to be somewhat hindered and it also affected the regaining of the entire labour market as its recovery is directly proportional to the performance of the economy.

Travelling activities observed during the month signalled that the labour market is projected to improve in the coming months, the department added.

Malaysia’s National Recovery Council on February 8 proposed reopening of the international borders as early as March 1, without the need for compulsory quarantine./.


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