Mang Den aiming for 1 million cherry blossom trees

In an effort to turn Mang Den into a cherry blossom town, Kon Tum province’s Kon Plong district has called upon agencies, units, organisations, and residents in the district to plant cherry blossom trees with a goal of having 1 million by 2025.

Kon Plong district has called on every agency and unit to conduct at least one greenery project, including planting cherry blossoms combined with ornamental flowers at their premises.

Each household and individual is encouraged to plant cherry blossoms in their gardens to create a green, clean, and beautiful space.

Under the target, cherry blossoms will become decorative plants and a beautiful feature of the landscape, making Kon Plong district in general and the town of Mang Den in particular become a cherry blossom town, a town of flowers blooming in all seasons.

Mang Den currently has about 300,000 cherry blossom trees, which are entering their blooming season. The construction and development of the cherry blossom town will create a more impressive Mang Den in the eyes of visitors./.