Man’s antique collection preserves national values

Having developed a great passion for collectibles over more than three decades, Tran Thai Binh in Vinh city owns a rich collection of antiques.

Having developed a great passion for collectibles over more than three decades, Tran Thai Binh in Vinh city owns a rich collection of antiques. His work is contributing to preserving the cultural and historical values of the nation.

A set of stone and copper axes, and crockery of Dong Son culture. A jade statue inlaid with gold. A Cham stone statue. These are some of the rare and precious artifacts that Tran Thai Binh has collected over the last 30 years.

Binh has collected nearly 1000 antiques to date. For him, the collection requires dexterity, perseverance, and a certain understanding of the history and origin of antiquities.

Looking at the patterns and intricacies, Binh can recognise each era, culture, and artistic quality of his antiquities. It not only shows passion, but also love for national culture and traditional values.-VNA