Participants to the event are 120 countries andterritories, that are known for their strong maritime industriesincluding Singapore, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, the UnitedKingdom, and Norway.
Co-hosted by the Vietnam TradeFair & Vinexad Advertising Joint Stock Company and InformaExhibitions, the event is expected to improve networking opportunities,capture visitor interest and encourage activities in the Vietnamesemaritime business community.
According to Deputy Minister ofTrade and Industry Ho Thi Kim Thoa, Vietnam is increasingly seen as anattractive retail market to foreign investors and a gateway market tothe region, as evidenced through 298 billion USD in export revenue in2014.
With a coastline of more than 3,200 kilometres, Vietnam has huge potential in shipping and other sea-related services.
ManagingDirector of Infoma Exhibitions David Bondi said Vietnam’s maritimesector is expected to reach up to 1.5 billion USD in revenue in 2020 dueto a number of trade transactions between Vietnam and other countriesexpected to be signed.
INMEX Vietnam is the most comprehensiveinternational business platform encompassing all aspects of shipbuilding, ship repairs, shipping, maritime engineering, offshoreengineering & technology, dredging equipment and ports &logistics.
The event will run through March 20.-VNA