Master plan for Mong Cai border gate economic zone approved

The Prime Minister has signed a decision to approve a master plan for building the Mong Cai border gate economic zone in the northeast province of Quang Ninh by 2030.
Master plan for Mong Cai border gate economic zone approved ảnh 1Trade activity at Mong Cai border gate. (Photo: VNA)

The Prime Minister has signed a decision to approve a master plan for building the Mong Cai border gate economic zone in the northeast province of Quang Ninh by 2030, a drive to make the zone a proactive and key economic growth pole in the north.

The 121,197 hectare zone will cover 17 wards of Mong Cai city, Hai Ha industrial zone and seaport, Quang Ha town and a number of communes in Hai Ha district.

It is set to include a tax-free area, industrial zones, a financial centre, an administrative centre, a residential area and other functional areas.

In addition, it will accommodate modern and comprehensive facilities with excellent service networks and diversified tourism products. Once operational, it will improve resident living standards while playing an important role in defending Vietnam’s sea and island sovereignty.

Under the development plan, the zone covers a total area of more than 120,000 hectares in Mong Cai city and Hai Ha district. It borders China in the north, and the East Sea in the south-east.

It is expected to become an important pole that drives economic progress in Vietnam's northern region and along the coast of the Gulf of Tonkin. It will also link with China's Kunming economic corridor.​

Comprehensive development of road and seaway infrastructure is necessary to achieve the goal. Facilities for healthcare, education and other fields such as electricity, water and the environment also need to be upgraded.-VNA


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