Meeting celebrates World Oceans Day, Sea and Island Week

A meeting was held in central Quang Ngai province on June 8 to mark the World Oceans Day and the Vietnam Sea and Island Week and advocate the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
A meeting was held in central Quang Ngai province on June 8 to mark the World Oceans Day and the Vietnam Sea and Island Week and advocate the preservation and sustainable use of natural resources.

This year’s Sea and Island Week takes the theme of “Blue Ocean, Green Planet”, which is also aimed at highlighting Vietnam’s historical sovereignty over its seas and islands and the resolve to safeguard this sovereignty.

At the function, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Chu Pham Ngoc Hien said to develop sustainably amidst complicated situation in the East Sea, Vietnam needs to determinedly protect its national sovereignty and interests in the waters and oppose all violations of its sovereignty, sovereign right and jurisdiction at sea.

Marine economic activities should also be fostered so as to soon transform Vietnam into a strong and wealthy sea-based country, he added, noting the importance of international cooperation in this field.

Vice Chairman of the Quang Ngai People’s Committee Le Quang Thich said 400 years ago, the province was the base of the Hoang Sa flotilla set up by the Nguyen Dynasty to exercise control over Truong Sa (Paracel) and Hoang Sa (Spratly) archipelagos. The flotilla regularly sailed to the islands to erect sovereignty markers, exploit marine resources, build temples, and draw maps of the waters. Many historical and cultural relics related to the flotilla are still preserved in Ly Son Island.

Quang Ngai will strive to protect coastal and marine environment and develop its maritime economy, helping safeguard the national sovereignty and interests, he added.

The Vietnam Sea and Island Week in Quang Ngai will include a wide range of activities such as releasing fish fry into the sea, a cycling parade, a beach cleanup, and a conference to promote investment in local marine economic activities.-VNA

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