Meeting focuses on preparation for upcoming NA election

Preparation for and issues related to the 14th NA and all-level People’s Council elections of the 2016-2021 tenure in 25 northern provinces and cities was discussed at a meeting in Hanoi on March 22.
Meeting focuses on preparation for upcoming NA election ảnh 1The second consultation meeting in Vinh Long province (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Preparation for and issues related to the upcoming 14th NA and all-level People’s Council elections of the 2016-2021 tenure in 25 northern provinces and cities was discussed at a meeting in Hanoi on March 22.

Hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the meeting also aimed to update contents of the law on the organisation of local governments , and the law on National Assembly and People's Council elections .

According to Pham Thu Huong, Deputy Head of the Democracy & Law Section under the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the outcomes of the second consultation meetings nationwide show that the quality of candidates from central agencies standing for the elections is improved compared to previous tenures.

The number of self-nominated candidates increased, especially those in communal levels running for communal People’s Council, Huong noted.

Regarding the law on the organisation of local governments, Deputy Head of the Department of Local Government under the Ministry of Home Affairs Phan Van Hung said the law, which officially took effect on January 1, 2016, basically ensures consistency of institution, and promotes self-management and self-responsibility of local authorities.

Under the law, provincial-level authorities will assume main power, then to district-level and commune-level authorities in turn.-VNA


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