Mekong Delta ensures water supply

Saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta in the 2020 – 21 dry season is expected to be higher than average, but not as severe as the last dry season.
Mekong Delta ensures water supply ảnh 1A saltwater-prevention sluice in Vi Thanh city in the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang. (Photo: VNA)

- Saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta in the2020 – 21 dry season is expected to be higher than average, but not as severeas the last dry season.

Phugn Tien Dung, head of the National Centre for Hydro-MeteorologyForecasting’s Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting Division for the Central, CentralHighlands and South regions, said the delta would face the highest level ofsaltwater via the Mekong River in February and March.

The Vam Co and Cai Lon rivers, which are the major rivers in the delta, areexpected to face the highest level of saltwater waves in March and April, hesaid.

Saltwater intrusion in the delta, which depends on the water level from theupper areas of the Mekong River and high tides, will see changes in the future.

“Localities in the southern region should keep up-to-date information abouthydro-meteorology forecasts and have measures to prevent and control saltwaterintrusion,” he said.

There will be little rain in the upper areas of the Mekong River and theSouthern region on January 6 – 11, according to the Hydro-MeteorologyForecasting Division.

The water levels at monitoring stations on the Mekong River in the delta willchange slowly, and will be 0.1 – 0.2 metres lower than the average of manyyears. 

From January 6 – 10, water with a saline content of 1 gramme per litre isexpected to enter 35 – 50 km deep into the mouths of the delta’s main rivers.

During the period, water with saline content of 4 grammes per litre could enter25 – 40 km deep into the mouths of the delta’s main rivers.

For instance, water with saline content of 4 grammes per litre could enter 35 –40 km deep into the mouths of the Vam Co Dong and Vam Co Tay, Hau and Co Chien rivers,and 25 – 32 km deep into the mouth of the Cai Lon River.

Most crops can only tolerate saltwater intrusion with a saline content of 1gramme per litre.

The delta, the country’s largest producer of rice, fruit and seafood, has facedsevere saltwater intrusion in recent years. Before and during the dry season,local authorities have taken measures to mitigate its impact on agriculturalproduction and the lives of locals.

In recent years, the delta, which includes Can Tho city and 12 provinces, hasbuilt or upgraded saltwater prevention sluices and dams, dredged canals andirrigation works to store more fresh water, and instructed farmers to storeirrigation water in ponds and other water containers for use in the dry season.

It has also restructured growing schedules of rice crops such as starting ricecrops earlier than the normal schedule or switching to other drought-resistantcrops in saltwater-affected areas in the dry season, in order to avoid a shortageof irrigation water.

The delta has also built or upgraded water supply facilities to ensure watersupplies for households in saltwater-affected areas.

For the 2020 -21 dry season, local authorities have determined that if there isa severe shortage of fresh water in the dry season, water priority will begiven to household use, animal husbandry, and high-value crops./. 

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