Militia, self-defence forces in Bac Giang play active role in COVID-19 combat

Militia and self-defence forces in the northern province of Bac Giang, along with the provincial armed forces, have carried forwards their pioneering role in the COVID-19 fight.
Militia, self-defence forces in Bac Giang play active role in COVID-19 combat ảnh 1Militia, self-defence forces in Bac Giang play active role in COVID-19 combat. (Photo:

Bac Giang (VNA) – Militia and self-defence forces in the northern province of Bac Giang, along with the provincial armed forces, have carried forwards their pioneering role in the COVID-19 fight.

Since the pandemic broke out in the province in May 2021, the provincial Military Command has mobilised all forces for the combat, including thousands of members of the militia and self-defence forces.

They worked at COVIDI-19 checkpoints and quarantine establishments over the past time.

Tran Van Xuan, a militia member, volunteered to serve at a quarantine establishment in Bac Giang city since it was converted from Tan My Primary School.

The man said although he and other militia members and teachers had to work round the clock, they all considered this a task.

In Tran Nguyen Han ward in Bac Giang city, militia and self-defence forces were divided into groups which, together with COVID-19 task forces, to supervise the observance of pandemic prevention and control regulations by local households.

Given complex developments of the pandemic, militia and self-defence forces in Hiep Hoa district joined the frontline of the combat.

Pham Viet Tuan from Son Giao village in Ngoc Son commune and other militia members in the commune joined COVID-19 community tasks forces, helping farmers in Ngoc Thanh 2 village’s An Thanh hamlet, which was under put under lockdown due to the pandemic, harvest agricultural products.

He also served at COVID-19 checkpoints which were set up in line with guidelines of the communal steering committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, and played a role in the communication work to raise public awareness of pandemic prevention and control.

Tuan said he hopes that he would contribute to pushing back the pandemic and bringing life back to normalcy.

Colonel Vu Duc Hien, Political Commissar of the provincial Military Command, said over the part time, local armed forces, including the militia and self-defence forces, have played the pioneer role in the pandemic fight.

After detecting a pandemic cluster in Phuong Son commune, Luc Nam district last May, the Military Command has rolled out guidelines and measures to contain the pandemic, he said.

The provincial Party Committee and Military Command asked officers and soldiers to engage in the management work in quarantine establishments and temporary COVID-19 hospitals, and assist localities in the combat.

They also worked round the clock at COVID-19 checkpoints, he said, adding that many militia members volunteered to work at the frontline of the fight.

With the spirit of “fighting the epidemic like fighting the enemy,” the armed forces have become a reliable fulcrum in the fight, and their efforts and contributions have been appreciated by all-level Party Committees and authorities, and people.

The Military Command has also taken measures to minimise COVID-19 transmissions at agencies and units to maintain operations. Attention has been paid to the communication work to raise the awareness of officers and soldiers about their tasks in the combat.

Notably, militia and self-defence forces supported local residents in production and economic development amid COVID-19.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Hung, head of the Militia and Self-Defence Department at the provincial Military Command, more than 50,000 militia members have been mobilised for the work since the pandemic outbreak.

They worked at more than 1,000 COVID-19 checkpoints and 282 State-designated quarantine facilities, while helping affected families in agricultural production and consumption.

Efforts by the militia and self-defence forces, the entire political system and people in Bac Giang have helped the locality bring the pandemic under control during the fourth wave.

Last August, Bac Giang became the first locality nationwide to be honoured with the third-class labour order for its outstanding achievements in COVID-19 prevention and control./.


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