Minimising COVID-19 related deaths now top priority: MoH

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has demanded provinces and centrally-run cities nationwide press on with anti-COVID-19 measures amid a surge in new infections, stressing that minimising deaths is currently the top priority.
Minimising COVID-19 related deaths now top priority: MoH ảnh 1Medical workers at a COVID-19 treatment establishment (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – The Ministry of Health (MoH) has demanded provinces and centrally-run cities nationwide press on with anti-COVID-19 measures amid a surge in new infections, stressing that minimising deaths is currently the top priority.

In an official dispatch sent to the chairpersons of the provincial-level People’s Committees, the MoH pointed out that the numbers of new infections and patients in critical condition have been on the rise recently.

It forecast the virus transmission in the community is likely to continue in the time ahead given the gradual reopening of socio-economic activities, which will cause great pressure on the healthcare system.

Facing that fact, the ministry requested measures against COVID-19 be ramped up, including seriously implementing the Government’s Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP issued last October, on the safe and flexible adaptation to and effective control of the pandemic.

Healthcare establishments need to conduct comprehensive treatment, establish treatment levels for COVID-19 patients, and give the top priority to minimising deaths, the MoH said, asking for sufficient medical supplies and increased home treatment and telemedicine.

Localities were also told to further accelerate COVID-19 vaccinations, guarantee the coverage of additional and booster doses for people aged 18 and above and primary doses for those aged 12 - 17, prepare ready resources for inoculating children aged 5 - 11 as soon as the MoH issues guidelines, and provide at-home vaccinations for those unable to reach vaccination sites.

Besides, provinces and cities should base on local pandemic levels to resume in-person learning, take appropriate response measures when recording new infections in schools, and ensure pandemic safety for students.

The MoH also reminded localities to step up communications to raise public awareness, improve the capacity of the healthcare system, especially at the grassroots level, and strictly deal with violations of anti-pandemic rules./.

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