The meeting tookplace on the sidelines of the third Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation in China, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
Talking to BaiYinzhan, Director of China Harbour Engineering Co. Ltd (CHEC) – a subsidiary of CCCC, Dung said the CCCC is not only abig contractor but also a strategic investor in Vietnam. The company has alsoshared experience, trained manpower, and transferred technology to help Vietnam effectively and sustainably develop and manage infrastructure, thus contributingto the two countries’ cooperation in infrastructure development.
The minister also pointed out certain shortcomings in someinfrastructure projects carried out by Chinese businesses in Vietnam.
For his part, Bai noted that the CCCC has operated in Vietnam since 1996 and successfullyimplemented 20 infrastructure and energy infrastructure projects in the country,including Hanoi - Hai Phong Expressway, Cai Mep - Thi Vai Terminal, Vinh Tanthermal power plant, and some wind power projects.
Ithopes to take part in major infrastructure development projects in Vietnam suchas the North - South high-speed railway, expressways, and wind power projects, hesaid, pledging that the CHEC will work harder to fruitfully participate ininfrastructure development projects in Vietnam so that the CCCC will become atrue bridge of cooperation and friendship between the two countries./.