One of the pillars lies with collaboration in digitalinstitutions, which, Thuong said, is to devise appropriate regulations, ensure datasecurity, create a friendly business environment, prevent and combattransnational crimes, and ensure safety, security and national sovereignty.
The second is cooperation in digital infrastructure toensure and improve the capacity of countries to participate in the globaldigital economy, the President said, calling on international financial organisations and businesses to invest in infrastructure projects in Vietnam andother countries in the region.

In the digital economy, it is necessary to promoteknowledge and technology transfer projects, he continued.
The President hailed the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)’s significant contributions to the marked changes of countries along the"Digital Silk Road", from modern digital infrastructure and smartcities, to vibrant commercial activities in the digital space.
Vietnam attaches great importance to ways connectingwith the world, which would be on land, in the air, at sea, and in the digitalspace, he said, noting that the country is accelerating digital transformation,and economic development and restructuring in tandem with growth model reform.
In that spirit, Vietnam has regarded digital economyas new space; digital human resources, digital technology and digital data asnew workforce; and digital innovation as new driving force, according to theleader.
He used the occasion to brief other delegates on Vietnam’sdigital economy, which contributed 14.26% to the national GDP last year, and thefigure is expected to reach 20% in 2025 and 30% in 2030.
The President stressed that with high determination,large investment, and many specific programmes, projects and actions, the BRIhas served as a big international cooperation mechanism significantlycontributing to global infrastructure connectivity and economic links.
It is an open, inclusive, high-quality cooperation frameworkthat brings about tangible benefits to all participating parties and deepensthe friendship and connection between people of countries, Thuong went on.
The forum features three high-level sessions on digitaleconomy, green development and regional connectivity, along with sixministerial-level forums on trade connection, people-to-people exchange,scholar exchange, clean silk road, local cooperation and maritime cooperation.
The delegates shared the view that cooperation in thecoming time should focus on promoting growth model reform and connectivitybetween economies, and making science, technology, and innovation a new drivingforce.
They stressed the need to strengthen coordination betweencountries and international organisations to attract resources and supportdeveloping countries in industrialisation, modernisation, narrowing developmentgaps, and catching up with and benefiting from new development trends.
On the sidelines of the third Belt and Road Forum forInternational Cooperation, there was a business forum on October 17 with theparticipation of 1,200 delegates from more than 80 countries, including 60representatives from companies in the world's top 500./.