HCM City(VNA) – The Gioi Di Dong (Mobile World) Co. Ltd. on January 3 officiallyfinished the acquisition of Dien May Tran Anh (Tran Anh Digital), giving it theownership of an over-90-percent stake at Tran Anh.
The combined market share of the two majorelectronics retailers in Vietnam is more than 30 percent at the time of themerger.
A representative of The Gioi Di Dong said themerger will help strengthen both companies. Dien May Xanh, a retail chain ofThe Gioi Di Dong, is reaping successes nationwide but still needs to increaseits presence in the northern region, especially in inner Hanoi and neighbouringcities.
Meanwhile, Dien May Tran Anh is a big retailbrand widely known in the north. As 34 supermarkets of Tran Anh have big scaleand ideal locations, the tie-up can diversify their products for sale.
In the first nine months of 2017, Dien May TranAnh earned over 2.4 trillion VND (105.3 million USD) in revenue. It targetsmore than 4 trillion VND in revenue (175.6 million USD) in 2018.-VNA