More foreign travellers enjoy 30-day visa-free entry: Malaysian PM

Visitors from the Middle East, Turkey, Jordan, China and India will be given 30-day visa-free travel to Malaysia from December 1, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said.
More foreign travellers enjoy 30-day visa-free entry: Malaysian PM ảnh 1Outside of ASEAN, China tourists make up the largest group of visitors into Malaysia. (Photo:
Hanoi (VNA) – Visitors from the Middle East, Turkey, Jordan, China and India will be given 30-day visa-free travel to Malaysia from December 1, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said.

Anwar, who is also president of the People’s Justice Party (PKR), made the announcement in a speech at the 2023 PKR National Congress in Putrajaya city.

However, the exemption is still subject to security screenings for past records of crime or violence, he added.

The Middle Eastern countries, Turkey and Jordan already enjoy the 30-day visa-free entry and it is now extended to those from China and India, according to the PKR./.


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