The six laws were passed during the third session of the 14thNational Assembly which took place in Hanoi from May 22 to June 21.
The issuance of the Law on Amendments andSupplements to Several Articles of the Penal Code aims to correct shortcomingsfound in the Penal Code No. 100/2015/QH13.
The law adjusts and supplements regulationsregarding juvenile criminals and a new article on violations of regulations onmulti-level business, aiming to strictly handle violations in this field thathave caused losses for the public, especially those in rural areas, andseriously affected social order and safety.
The law removes the crime of supplying illegalservices through the internet, computers and telecommunications network(Article 292 of the Penal Code).
The Law on State Compensation Liability amendsand supplements regulations on compensations for losses, with the aim ofcorrecting the limitations and bottlenecks hindering the work over the pasttime.
With nine chapters and 78 articles, the law willcome into effect on July 1, 2018.
The Law on Management and Use of Public Assets willbecome effective on January 1, 2018. Comprising ten chapters and 134 articles, the law stipulates seven groups of principlesto be applied in the management and use of public assets.
Coming into force on January 1, 2018, the Law onLegal Assistance, with eight chapters and 48 articles, increases the number ofgroups eligible to legal assistance from six in the 2006 law to 14.
With six chapters and 33 articles, the Law onthe Guard Force will take effect on July 1, 2018.
The Law on Management and Use of Weapons,Explosives and Supportive Tools has eight chapters and 76 articles.
Earlier the same day, the Presidential office alsoannounced the Law on Foreign Trade Management, Law on Small and Medium-SizedEnterprise Support, Law on Technology Transfer, Tourism Law, Irrigation Law,and Railway Law. -VNA