☀️ Morning digest August 9

The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.
☀️ Morning digest August 9 ảnh 1

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

-Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue had talks with Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf in Tehran on August 8, affirming that Vietnam always treasures the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran, one of its important partners in the Middle East.
The talks formed part of Hue’s official visit to Iran from August 8 to 10.Read full text

- Chairman Hue and Speaker Ghalibaf announced the outcomes of their talks to the press in Tehran on August 8 (local time).
NA Chairman Hue said he and the host engaged in extensive and profound discussions on various areas ranging from politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, agriculture to cooperation at multilateral forums.Read full text

- National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue met Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran on August 8 as part of his official visit to Iran.
Chairman Hue affirmed to his host that Vietnam always attaches importance to further promoting the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran.Read full text

-National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed that leaders of both Vietnam and Iran pay due attention to bilateral economic and trade ties during a reception in Tehran on August 8 (local time) for Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi.
The Vietnamese leader stressed that both sides need to fully tap the potential of cooperation and effectively implement commitments, while creating favourable conditions for the operations of businesses.Read full text

-National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception for President of the Iran-Vietnam Friendship Association (IVFA) Seyed Kamal Sajjadi in Tehran on August 8 (local time) as part of his official visit to Iran.
The top Vietnamese legislator highly appreciated contributions to consolidating and strengthening friendship between the two countries’ people by Seyed Kamal Sajjadi, who is also co-founder of the friendship association and former Iranian Ambassador to Vietnam.Read full text

-A Vietnamese delegation attended the Young Parliamentarians of AIPA (YPA) Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, on August 8 as part of the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-44).
At the meeting, participating countries discussed an Indonesia-proposed draft resolution on strengthening the youth’s involvement in inclusive development, economic transformation and democratic participation; and a Malaysia-submitted draft resolution on promoting young parliamentarians’ role in governance.Read full text

-The Vietnamese delegation made important contributions to reviewing and completing draft documents at the meetings of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Committee on Political Matters and AIPA Committee on Economic Matters, within the framework of the 44th General Assembly of AIPA in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 8.
During the meeting of the AIPA Committee on Political Matters, countries considered and adopted a Resolution on the Report of the Meeting between ASEAN-AIPA leaders on the occasion of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, and a Resolution on the Report of the 14th AIPA Advisory Group Meeting (AIPA Caucus).Read full text

-During the meeting of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Committee on Social Matters in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 8 within the framework of the 44th General Assembly of AIPA, the Vietnamese delegation offered opinions on a Resolution proposed by Indonesia, reiterating that green growth has been identified as a vital aspect of sustainable development.Read full text

-Despite strong efforts and more positive signals recorded, Vietnam’s economic growth stood at only 3.72% in the first half of 2023, putting heavy pressure on the realisation of this year’s GDP growth target of 6.5%, said Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Quoc Phuong.
Addressing the Vietnam Wealth Advisors Summit 2023 in Hanoi on August 8, he said it is worrying that production and business activities in many sectors are struggling with difficulties. The resilience of enterprises has been eroded after the COVID-19 pandemic, and some of them have had to scale down operations and output.Read full text

-Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has asked ministries, agencies, localities and socio-political mass organisations to continue listening to children’s feedback to meet their aspirations.
Addressing the seventh national children’s forum in Hanoi on August 8, the Deputy PM hailed the spread of child participation rights models, including children's forum at all levels, the provincial and district-level children's councils, core children's groups at residential areas, and children's rights clubs, contributing to educating confident and responsible citizens who are ready to dedicate their physical efforts and brainpower from a young age.Read full text

-Under a new circular released by the Ministry of Public Security, regular passports granted via shortened procedures will be issued besides existing passport types.
Circular 31/2023/TT-BCA regulates the forms of passports, laissez-passers, and related forms and is applied to Vietnamese citizens and relevant agencies. It will take effect on August 15, 2023.Read full text/.


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