Mozambican guests visit Mekong Delta rice research institute

A high-ranking delegation of the Mozambican Assembly led by its President Esperanca Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias visited the Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CCRRI) in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on June 23.
Mozambican guests visit Mekong Delta rice research institute ảnh 1Mozambican guests visit the the Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CCRRI) (Photo: VNA) 

Can Tho (VNA) – A high-ranking delegation of the Mozambican Assembly led by its President Esperanca Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias visited the Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CCRRI) in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on June 23.

CCRRI head Tran Ngoc Thach briefed them on the institution's contributions to rice research for the Mekong Delta region.

Mozambican guests visit Mekong Delta rice research institute ảnh 2CCRRI head Tran Ngoc Thach speaks at the meeting with the Mozambican delegation (Photo: VNA) 

The Mozambican leader said in this visit to Vietnam, the delegation has enjoyed the delicious taste of Vietnamese rice, expressing the support for the work the CCRRI is doing and adding that Mozambique is very interested in rice varieties developed by Vietnamese research institutions.

In the central region of Mozambique, many farmers have benefited from research achievements from Vietnam’s research institutes, she said.  

Praising research results of CCRRI, Bias showed her interest in the training on the development of rice varieties and cultivation techniques of the institute to producers; and public-private partnerships between the agency and enterprises in researching, selecting and developing new rice varieties to meet the market demand./.


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