Making the remark while hosting visiting President of the Assembly of Mozambique Esperanca Laurinda Francisco Nhiuane Bias in Hanoi on June 21,Thuong expressed his delight at the nations’ growing relations across allfields.
Vietnam is willing to connect Mozambique to countries inSoutheast Asia, and in the ASEAN and Asia-Pacific regions, the Party officialstressed.
For her part, Esperanca Bias, who is also a member of the LiberationFront of Mozambique (FRELIMO) Central Committee, said she is grateful for theassistance of the Vietnamese Party, State and people for her country and otherAfrican nations in their past struggles for national independence and currentnational construction and development cause.
She expressed pleasure at the growth of the close ties shared between FRELIMOand the Communist Party of Vietnam, and said FRELIMO wants to learn fromVietnam’s experiences in Party building and economic development. She thankedVietnam’s support regarding the areas of agriculture, communications, andpersonnel training.
The Mozambican official hoped Vietnam will further cooperatewith and invest in Mozambique in coal mining, energy, tourism, and agriculture.
She affirmed that Mozambique stands ready to act as a bridgeto bring Vietnamese goods to the South African region in particular and Africain general./.