Museums urged to improve display technologies

Experts say museums should increase experimental activities and technologies to operate more effectively.

Museums are not simply storage site to keep pieces of cultural and historical heritage, they are also an educational venue to teach the nation’s traditions to younger generations. Experts say museums should increase experimental activities and technologies to operate more effectively.

With more than 40,000 objects and antiques on display, the Ho Chi Minh History Museum is one of the few museums that attract many visitors. However, simple display techniques and limited information have hindered the number of visitors to the museum.

Similarly, the War Remnants Museum is listed amongst Asia’s top museums, with 14 million visitors to the site in 2017. However, the museum has been urged to improve its display system and infrastructure to better its  quality.

Currently, the city has 14 museums, but only few of which have received any form of praise, the rest are ultimately ineffective. Mostly this is due to a lack of investment in equipment and reliance on old-fashioned displays and technologies.

Experts say useums should consider raising visitor figures a key target. Besides displaying significant historical objects, museums should also introduce more interactive activities relating to culture and intangible heritage in order to attract further interest./.