Myanmar gov’t invites Wa armed group to join political dialogue

The Myanmar government has invited Wa ethnic armed group, one of the seven remaining ceasefire non-signatories, to join the union-level peace conference slated for January 12, 2016.
Myanmar gov’t invites Wa armed group to join political dialogue ảnh 1Myanmar President U Thein Sein at a meeting with political forces in Yangon (Source: AFP/VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - The Myanmar government has invited Wa ethnic armed group, one of the seven remaining ceasefire non-signatories, to join the union-level peace conference slated for January 12, 2016, an official said on December 22.

The invitation was made by Vice Chairman of the government's Union Peace Making Work Committee (UPMWC) U Thein Zaw when visiting the United Wa State Army (UWSA)-based Special Region 2 in Shan State last weekend.

U Thein Zaw asked Wa leader U Shauk Min Hlian to join the political dialogue to secure peaceful coexistence of armed groups.

The planned union peace conference, led by President U Thein Sein, will be held three days ahead of the national-level first round of formal dialogue, according to an announcement by the Myanmar President's Office.

The conference is expected to focus on resolving political problems for ending the country's armed conflict and building national reconciliation, based on the inclusive political dialogue framework of all stakeholders recently finalised by the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC).

In addition to the UWSA, the government plans to invite the six other ceasefire non-signatory groups to join the dialogue.-VNA


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