NA Chairman greets Lao Vice President

The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) is willing to share experience with its Lao counterpart regarding the process of revising Constitution and continually supports Laos’ ASEAN Chairmanship in 2016, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has said.
The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) is willing to share experience with its Lao counterpart regarding the process of revising Constitution and continually supports Laos’ ASEAN Chairmanship in 2016, NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has said.

The NA Chairman made the remark during his reception in Hanoi on July 9 for Lao Vice President Bounnhang Volachit, who is on an official visit to Vietnam.

Valuing recent Lao socio-economic achievements, the Vietnamese top legislator stressed that the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries lays a solid foundation for developing their multifaceted links.

He also expressed his delight at fruitful ties between the two legislative bodies, affirming that the Vietnamese NA will do its utmost to promote the Vietnam-Laos long-lasting friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation.

The Lao guest congratulated Vietnam on the country’s great and historic achievements in its renewal process, saying he believes under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Vietnamese people will continue to reap remarkable successes in national construction and development.

Vice President Volachit thanked the Vietnamese Party and State for their support to his country during its previous struggle for independence and current national construction.

Vietnam’s successful organisation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s 132nd Assembly (IPU-132) contributed to improving Vietnam’s position in the international arena, he noted.

During their meeting, the guest and host underlined the need to maintain the special relations and trust between the two Parties, States and peoples, especially in the context of complicated regional and global developments.

They agreed to continue supporting each other at bilateral and multilateral forums, intensifying all-level visit exchanges and effectively implementing agreements reached by the two countries.

The Vietnamese and Lao officials also concurred that the two NAs will enhance links in experience sharing and promote people-to-people exchanges to further step up bilateral solidarity and friendship that was established and has been nurtured by generations of leaders.-VNA

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