Talking to Prudential Chairwoman Shriti Vadera, the NA leader congratulated the firm on its successesin the world as well as in Vietnam, expressing his hope that it will continueoperating successfully in the country and fulfill its social responsibility.
He affirmed that theVietnamese Government and NA are ready to consider and deal with the problemsfacing businesses, including those from the UK, when operating in Vietnam.
Vadera said Prudential is delighted to be part of the country’s development, and itcan help with this process by issuing long-term bonds.
The insurer pledges tocooperate with the Vietnamese Government in green investment, insurancetechnology, and development of Ho Chi Minh City into an international financialcentre, she noted, affirming that it will concurrently develop its business andfulfill social responsibility.
At the meeting with Chairman ofStandard Chartered Jose Vinals, Hue thanked the enterprise for helping theVietnamese Ministry of Finance and Government improve the national creditrating.
Stressing cooperation in finance- banking holds an important role in economic - trade - investment ties betweenVietnam and the UK, he asked Standard Chartered to continue assisting Vietnamto develop enterprise credit rating services and the corporate bond market,mobilise capital for green growth to help the country realise commitments onclimate change at COP26, and share experience to build HCM City into afinancial centre.
Vinals said it is his company’shonour to help Vietnam improve the national credit rating, and that StandardChartered will keep the cooperation to help the country achieve a credit ratingit can and need to obtain in the future.
He noted Standard Charteredpledges to make long-term investment in Vietnam while assisting the country toattract foreign financial investment in a sustainable manner and realise thecommitments made at COP26, including providing about 8.5 billion USD in greenfinance and sustainable credit and helping promote the formation of a voluntarycarbon market in Vietnam.
At another meeting, Presidentof Pacific Land Partrick McKillen said being present in Vietnam for 30 years, hisfirm is highly interested in infrastructure development and always invests therevenue earned from its operations in Vietnam back in the country.
He asked authorities inVietnam to support Pacific Land’s high biotechnology park in Hanoi (HaBiotech),adding that the company vows to use the best technologies for this project soas to build a regional and world-level biotechnology park.
Chairman Hue said Vietnam isassessed as a successful country in FDI attraction, but it is switching thefocus of its strategy to the investors who have financialstrength, apply high technology, and pay attention to industrial real estate.
He welcomed the HaBiotechproject and added he will directly discuss with Hanoi authorities to removeobstacles to and accelerate this project.

In the Vietnam - UK strategic partnership, education - trainingis always one of the highly fruitful cooperation areas. Vietnam views education– training as a leading priority and wishes to enhance ties in this field withother countries, especially those with developed education like the UK, henoted.
Hue welcomed Pearson’s activities in Vietnam, voicing hisbelief that it will effectively work with Vietnamese partners and bringpractical benefits to learners.
Cuddihy said Pearsonis one of the oldest education groups in the world. Through the strategicpartnership with EMG Education, it has made practical and meaningfulcontributions to Vietnam’s educational development.
Through the freshly signed memorandum, Pearson and EMGEducation have continued showing their determination to give learners inVietnam the most effective and advanced educational solutions, thereby helpingthe country develop a highly competitive workforce.
Also on June 29, Hue received Chairman of Enteprize Energy Ian Hatton, welcoming the group and other Britishbusinesses’ enhancement of trade and investment ties with Vietnam.
He spokehighly of the firm’s oil and gas investment in Asia and called on it tocontinue using the services supplied by the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group.
As Vietnamis working to increase the proportion of renewable energy like wind and solarpower in its total energy supply in order to carry out the commitments atCOP26, he asked Enteprize Energy totransfer research outcomes and new technologies in this area to the country.
Hattonnoted his firm is implementing Thang Long Wind, a 3.4GW offshore wind powerproject worth 11.9 billion USD, and Thang Long Wind 2, a 2GW hydrogenproduction project, in Binh Thuan province. These projects will help turnVietnam into one of the leading countries in this sphere in Asia.
He expressedhis belief that Enteprize Energy willsuccessfully carry out all projects in Vietnam, especially those helpingrealise the commitments at COP26, adding it is ready to share renewable energy technologywith the country./.