On behalf of the Vietnamese NA, Ngan said Vietnam alwayspushes up priorities on agenda and initiatives related to women and girls,especially in the global health crisis worsened by natural calamities andclimate change.
Vietnam’s successful holding of a special ASEAN summit onthe empowerment of women in the digital era manifests the country’s strong commitmentin the acceleration of gender equality and empowerment of women.
The leader stressed that the work is always a consistentpolicy of the Vietnamese State., and pointed out that there are still manythings to do in this work.
She proposed perfecting the framework of policies and lawsto further push up the work, called for further attention and resources to realisegender equality in the society, and stressed the need to intensifyparliamentary and law-making activities for women to cope with the pandemic andboost their leading role in emergencies.
Multi-lateral cooperation should be further broadenedthrough legislative and executive channels so as to help raise resources, shareexperience and implement the gender equality towards achievement sustainabledevelopment goals, Ngan concluded./.