NA Standing Committee concludes 24th session

The 14th-tenure National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee wrapped up its 24th session on May 16 afternoon after three working days.
NA Standing Committee concludes 24th session ảnh 1NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan delivers the closing speech at the 24th session of the NA Standing Committee (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The 14th-tenure National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee wrapped up its 24th session on May 16 afternoon after three working days.

In her closing speech, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said during the session, the NA Standing Committee adopted four resolutions on important issues within its jurisdiction.

She asked the Government, standing members of the Council of Ethnic Affairs and committees of the NA, the NA Secretary General and relevant agencies to consider opinions raised at the 24th session to finalise reports, draft laws and draft resolutions before promulgating them.

The NA Chairwoman also requested close coordination to promptly prepare for the parliament’s fifth session, scheduled to open on May 21.

Before the 24th session concluded, the NA Standing Committee had commented on the draft revised Law on People’s Public Security Force. 

Many opinions supported the bill and highly valued efforts by the drafting agencies, especially the Ministry of Public Security which has taken the lead in streamlining its apparatus.

Participants also suggested that the draft should be reviewed thoroughly to ensure its constitutionality and feasibility and the consistency in the law system.-VNA

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