National Assembly discuss draft amended securities law

The 14th National Assembly discussed the draft amended securities law during a plenary sitting on October 22, the second working day of the 8th session.
National Assembly discuss draft amended securities law ảnh 1A sitting of the 8th session of the 14th NA (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The 14th National Assembly discussed the draft amended securities law during a plenary sitting on October 22, the second working day of the 8th session.

The opinions focused on conditions for public offerings; the tasks and power of the State Security Commission; the model and organization of the Vietnam Stock Exchange; the organization of operation and the function of registering transaction of the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Company, among others.

Following the discussion, Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dung gave explanations on issues of NA deputies’ concern.

Also in the morning of October 22, the NA listened to a proposal of the Government and a verification report on a draft resolution on freezing tax arrears and writing off late payment interests for taxpayers who are incapable of paying tax.

In the afternoon, NA deputies worked in groups, examining reports on the implementation of socio-economic development plans and state budget in 2019; socio-economic development plans, state budget estimates and allocations in 2020; a master plan on socio-economic development in ethnic minority, mountainous and especially difficult areas; and the draft resolution on draft resolution on freezing tax arrears and writing off late payment interests for taxpayers who are incapable of paying tax.

On October 23, the NA will discuss several contentious issues in the draft revised Labour Code.

The 14th NA began its 8th session on October 22. The session will last through November 27./.


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