National conference on Party building work opens

A national conference on implementing the Resolution of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC)’s fourth session on urgent issues in Party building opened in Hanoi on Feb. 27.
A national conference on implementing the Resolution of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC)’s fourth session on urgent issues in Party building opened in Hanoi on Feb. 27.

The event was chaired by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung and permanent member of the CPVCC Secretariat Le Hong Anh.

General Secretary Trong said the Resolution of the CPVCC fourth session is a document of great importance for the Party. Right after its issuance, the resolution was warmly welcomed by a great number of Party members and cadres and people from all walks of life with confidence and high consensus. The resolution has pinpointed the issue of great importance, given right assessments of the situation with a sturdy self-criticism spirit and put forth suitable solutions which will create strong and obvious changes in Party building work, contributing to building a transparent and robust Party to meet the demands and aspirations of the entire Party and people.

Trong highlighted the key viewpoints and contents of the CPVCC resolutions and Politburo’s instruction. They include the necessity to discuss and issue a resolution on Party building work; the purpose, requirements, preparation process and scale of the resolution; the main contents of the resolution of the CPVCC fourth conference and Politburo’s instruction; and issues of attention in studying and organising for implementation.

He analysed four reasons for the issuance of the resolution. First, he emphasised the great importance of Party building work, which, he said, is a big lesson drawn from more than 80 years of the Party’s operation. Great importance must be attached to Party building work in the reform process, market economic development and integration as it is a factor ensuring the successful implementation of the political platform, socialist building goals and tasks and defending the socialist nation.

Secondly, the country’s great and difficult political task requires the Party to raise its leading capacity and combativeness.

Thirdly, the Party is facing new requirements and tasks, thus it must uphold fine traditions to overcome and eradicate weaknesses and negative phenomena which are causing concerns to cadres, Party members and the people.

Fourthly, hostile forces continue resisting the national renovation in order to wipe out the socialist regime, the Communist Party leadership, Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought. In that context, the CPV always attaches importance to Party building work and considers the work as a key and vital task for the CPV and the socialist regime.

The Resolution of the CPVCC fourth session aims to meet the requirement of raising the Party’s leading capacity and combativeness, and building a strong and transparent Party in terms of politics, ideology, organisation, personnel and leadership.

The resolution focuses on three urgent issues. Firstly, preventing and stamping out degradations of political ideology, ethics and lifestyles of a number of Party members and cadres, especially leading and managerial officials at all levels. Secondly, developing a contingent of leading officials and managers, particularly at the central level, in order to meet the requirements of national industrialisation and modernisation and international integration. Thirdly, clearly defining the scope of authority and individual responsibility of the heads of Party committees and administrative organisations, as well as their relationship with the respective Party committee, management and staff. The three issues have a close relationship in which the first one is the key and the most urgent.

On the basis of determining the three above-mentioned key and urgent missions, the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) pointed out four major synchronous and feasible groups of solutions, including those on criticism, self-criticism and upholding pioneering and exemplary spirit among high-ranking cadres; on organisation, personnel and Party activities, on mechanism and policies; and on political and ideological education.

Trong urged each Party member, firstly each member of the CPVCC, Politburo and Secretariat member, to immediately conduct self-criticism and set themselves right. The CPVCC, Politburo and Secretariat must review and assess the leadership and guidance of the implementation of Party resolutions and directions, promote the study and practice of morals and healthy lifestyle; strictly implement rules on what Party members are not allowed to do; step up the fight against corruption and wastefulness, thoroughly deal with cases of public concern; promote inspection, supervision, investigation and trial of corruption cases; work out measures to build mechanisms for the people to get involved in Party building through the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations.

The Party leader also stressed the need to build a mechanism to bring true democracy into play, along with openness and transparency; encourage cadres and Party members to have a venturesome spirit and a sense of responsibility, and strictly implement inquiries in the Party as stipulated by the ninth CPVCC.

He affirmed the decisive importance of having a high determination and consensus from all senior to subordinate cadres, taking drastic and feasible measures in combination with a close guidance and a sound, alert, self-controlled and non-extreme way of thinking so that evil forces cannot get any chance to conduct distortion, incitement and sabotage.

In the morning agenda on Feb. 27, participants at the meeting heard the Politburo’s instruction and draft plan of implementation of the CPV CC fourth session’s resolution (the 11th tenure) presented by Le Hong Anh, Politburo member, Standing member of the Secretariat.

In the afternoon’s schedule, To Huy Rua, Politburo member, Secretary of the CPV CC, Head of the CPV CC Commission for Organisation delivered the instructions on criticism and self-criticism. Meanwhile, Ngo Van Du, Politburo member, Secretary of the CPV CC, Head of the CPV CC Inspection Commission presented instructions on implementing the Regulations on things that Party members are not allowed to do.

Delegates also discussed the CPV CC’s resolution, the Politburo’s instruction and measures to successfully carry out the CPV CC’s fourth session’s resolution.

The meeting will continue till Feb. 29.-VNA

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