National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform

Flag-raising ceremony is a long-held tradition of cadres and soldiers and locals on DK1 offshore platform every Monday morning to pay tribute to late soldiers who sacrificed their lives safeguarding Vietnam’s sovereignty over sea and island.
National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform ảnh 1The national anthem is sung loudly while everyone looks towards the national flags flying at the national sovereignty markers. (Photo: VNA)
National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform ảnh 2Major Le Van Sy, Commander of the DK1/9 platform administers the flag-raising ceremony. (Photo:VNA)
National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform ảnh 3The flag hoisting ceremony at DK1 offshore platform. (Photo:VNA)
National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform ảnh 4Senior Lieutenant Pham Trung Kien stands ahead of the national flagpole, speaks 10 honorary oaths of officers and soldiers. (Photo: VNA)
National flag saluting ceremonies held on DK1 offshore platform ảnh 5During the past 30 years, officers and soldiers at DK1 platforms have gone through ups and downs and shared joys and sorrows with each other. Together, they fight for a common mission, guarding Vietnam’s sacred sovereignty. (Photo: VNA)

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