National month for child safety launched in Ha Long

A ceremony was held in the northern province of Quang Ninh’s Ha Long City on May 28 to kick off the national action month for child safety.
National month for child safety launched in Ha Long ảnh 1Teaching children to swim. (Photo:

Quang Ninh (VNA) – A ceremony was held in the northern province of Quang Ninh’s Ha Long City on May 28 to kick off the national action month for child safety.

In her opening remark, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh said more communication campaigns are needed to enhance family, school and societal responsibilities in providing a safe environment for children.

Thinh underscored education and heavy fines imposed on offences as important safety precautions.

Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Long said Quang Ninh is focusing on preventing child drownings this summer.

Many classes offering swimming, and self-protective lessons have been organised, he noted.

At the ceremony, the National Committee for Traffic Safety granted 400 helmets and ten scholarships to local children, while the National Fund for Vietnamese Children gave out 50 gifts and 11 hearing aids.

The fund has raised nearly 11 billion VND (495,000 USD) after the event.

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs announced on May 25 that June has been earmarked for a string of programmes to protect children from accidents and injuries.

Dang Hoa Nam, Director of the ministry’s Department of Child Protection and Care, said all 63 provinces and cities nationwide have readied themselves to join the action month.

According to the Health Ministry, between 2010 and 2014, every day there were approximately 580 children facing a host of incidents, from electric shocks and burns to traffic accidents and drownings. These have become the top causes of disabilities for children.

The rate of accidents occurring among children in Vietnam is about eight times higher than that in developed countries, with fatalities most commonly caused by traffic accidents and drowning.-VNA


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