New Year celebrated with kite procession in Hanoi

A kite flying procession was held at the Thang Long Imperial Citadel in Hanoi for 3 days from January 25- 28 as part of the Happy Tet programme.

The collection of flutes and kites in the procession has a rich history dating back several centuries, from the 15th to 18th centuries.

These artifacts were originally housed at the Sao Den temple in Song An commune, Vu Thu district, in the northern province of Thai Binh.

The temple is dedicated to the mother of King Le Thanh Tong, who had a passion for kite flying. Consequently, this tradition has been preserved and upheld for generations.

In the present day, on the 25th day of the third lunar month, the people of Song An celebrate the Sao Den festival, which includes a kite-flying competition.

Due to its historical and cultural significance, this practice has been officially recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage.

“The Sao Den temple houses the oldest kite in Vietnam, serving as a testament to the enduring preservation of this tradition. The kite procession symbolizes a new year filled with the promise of bountiful harvests.”