The dialogue was held virtually by Chief Executive of the New Zealand Ministryfor Primary Industries, Ray Smith, and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (MARD) Le Quoc Doanh.
At the event, the two sides voiced their commitment to the two countries’deepening agriculture and trade relationship.
Smith and Doanh affirmed that the Strategic Partnership, which was jointlyannounced by Prime Ministers in July last year, has created a solid foundationfor increasing bilateral agricultural cooperation and connections between thetwo countries.
Speaking at the dialogue, Smith emphasised that this is a valuableopportunity to consider what both sides can do together as they buildresilience and vitality back into their agriculture economies followingCOVID-19.
The Agriculture Cooperation Arrangement will enable both sides to advance theirkey agricultural interests in enhancing bilateral trade, reducing agriculturalgreenhouse gas emissions, promoting food safety, utilising agriculture researchand technology, and in rural development.
Speaking at the ceremony, Doanh said that agriculture was critical to theeconomic wellbeing of our countries.
Both nations were strong agriculture producers and exporters, withcomplementary products, he said, adding that the establishment of the NewZealand – Vietnam Agricultural Dialogue and the signing of the AgricultureCooperation Arrangement would boost their connections, cooperation and two-waytrade, in line with what the two Prime Ministers highlighted during last years’Strategic Partnership dialogue.
The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries is already supportingagriculture cooperation with MARD with activities in plant health,veterinary epidemiology and electronic certification. These activitiescomplement New Zealand’s ongoing development programme, which has a numberof agriculture projects including the premium fruit development project in theMekong Delta province of Tien Giang, the rural dam safety project in central Vietnam,and the safe vegetables project in Binh Dinh province.
Smith said that New Zealand has developed one of the most efficient agriculturesectors in the world, with a reputation for cutting-edge research andtechnology, robust and safe agricultural practices, and delicious andhigh-quality products.
He expressed his hope that the newly signed cooperation arrangement will helpbuild value and expand investment opportunities between the two countries.
“We recognise that increased trade is not just about exporting more products,it's about an exchange of knowledge, expertise, technology, services, andinvestment. This two-way exchange benefits both of us,” he said.
He said New Zealand also looked forward to doing more to assist the MARD’sgreenhouse gas inventory capability through the Global Research Alliance onAgricultural Greenhouse Gases.
The two officials confirmed their shared commitment to finalising new fruitaccess for each other this year so consumers can enjoy New Zealand strawberriesand squash in Vietnam and Vietnamese limes and pomelos in New Zealand.
Vietnam is New Zealand’s 14th largest trading partner, with two-way tradevalued at 2 billion NZD, at year-end September 2020. While COVID-19 has posedsome challenges, Vietnam remains a promising market for New Zealand and viceversa due to robust demand for key agricultural products./.