Nine COVID-19 cases recorded on February 24 afternoon, all in Hai Duong province

Vietnam detected nine cases of COVID-19 over the past 12 hours to 18:00 on February 24, all in the northern province of Hai Duong, raising the tally of domestic infections to 1,513.
Nine COVID-19 cases recorded on February 24 afternoon, all in Hai Duong province ảnh 1Hai Duong plans to take 12,000 samples for COVID-19 testing on February 24. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam detected nine cases of COVID-19 over the past 12 hours to 18:00 on February 24, all in the northern province of Hai Duong, raising the tally of domestic infections to 1,513.

According to the National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, among the latest cases, six are reported in areas under lockdown in Kim Lien commune, Kim Thanh district, two in Cam Giang district who had been quarantined earlier, and one in Thanh Ha district who was also put under quarantine.

The patients are being treated at a COVID-19 hospital in Hai Duong city.

The same day, 30 COVID-19 patients have been given the all-clear.

The national count of COVID-19 infections now stands at 2,412, of whom 1,790 have recovered.

Among the active patients, 97 have tested negative for the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 once, 26 twice, and 68 thrice.

As many as 88,583 people who had close contact with COVID-19 patients or came from pandemic-hit areas are now under medical monitoring nationwide, with 592 in hospitals, 12,112 in other State-designated quarantine establishments, and 75,879 at home.

In a bid to live safely with the pandemic, people should strictly follow the Ministry of Health’s 5K message: khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gathering) and khai bao y te (health declaration)./.

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