In the period, there were 1,924 newly-registered projectswith a total capital of 10.23 billion USD, up 66.3% and 43.6% year-on-year,respectively.
Meanwhile, over 5.15 billion USD was added to 934 existingprojects, down 39.7% and up 22.8% year-on-year, respectively.
The value of capital contribution and share purchase deals increasedby 47% to 4.82 billion USD.
The manufacturing and processing sector continued leading inFDI attraction, with over 14 billion USD, down 5.9% year-on-year, followed byreal estate with close to 1.94 billion USD, down 45%, and finance and banking with1.54 billion USD, a 63.8-fold rise compared to that of the same period lastyear./.