Of the total, 1,601 are domestically-transmittedcases, including 907 infections since the third wave of outbreak hit thecountry on January 27.
According to the ministry’sMedical Service Administration, an additional 19 patients have been given theall-clear from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, bringing the total number of recoveries to2,265, while the death toll remained at 35.
Among active patients undergoingtreatment at medical establishments nationwide, 54 tested negative to the virus once, 21 twiceand 45 thrice.
As many as 29,762 people whohad close contact with COVID-19 patients or entered Vietnam from pandemic-hitregions are currently quarantined across the country, including 214 in hospitals,16,651 in state-designated establishments and 12,897 at their residences.
To live safely with the pandemic, the Ministry of Health advised people to continue preventivemeasures, including the “5K message” (in Vietnamese) - Khau trang (facemask) -(Khu khuan) disinfection - (Khoang cach) distance - (Khong tu tap) no gathering– (Khai bao y te) health declaration./.