Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark to receive UNESCO status

A ceremony will be held on November 24 in Cao Bang province to receive a certificate from UNESCO recognising Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark as a global geopark.

A ceremony will be held on November 24 in Cao Bang province to receive a certificate from UNESCO recognising Non Nuoc Cao Bang Geopark as a global geopark.

The 3,000 geopark is home to fossils, ocean sediment, volcanic rocks, minerals, and especially karst landscapes, which can give researchers an insight into an over-500-million-year history of the Earth. It is also well known for rich biodiversity and many indigenous fauna and flora species.

According to the Cao Bang provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the province will carry out three tourism routes in the geopark area so as to attract more tourists.

This is the second UNESCO-recognised Global Geopark in Vietnam after Dong Van Karst Plateau.

Non Nuoc Cao Bang was established in 2015. One year later, Cao Bang submitted a dossier to UNESCO to seek the global geopark recognition.-VNA