Lai Chau (VNA) – Vice Secretary of the CentralMilitary Commission and Defence Minister of Vietnam Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich hadtalks with Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlongon September 24 as part of the fourth Vietnam-China border defence friendshipexchange.
At the talks at the border guard command ofJinping country in China’s Yunnan province, Fan hailed the success of thefourth exchange, which took place concurrently in Yunnan and Vietnam’s Lai Chauprovince. He noted the solidarity between both sides’ border guard forces hashelped ensure stability and development in border areas.
Through border exchanges, the trust between theVietnamese and Chinese armies and people has been reinforced, he said,stressing that trust is a foundation to enhance relations between their Partiesand armies, helping solve disagreements and boost bilateral ties.
He suggested the two sides reform border defenceexchanges and organise them in more diversified forms such as experiencesharing and military skills competitions, turning the exchanges into anoutstanding cooperation activity of the Vietnamese and Chinese armies.
[Vietnam, China deepen border defence friendship]
Applauding the fourth exchange’s success, Lichsaid it helped the two countries’ armies and people better understand eachother and enhance their confidence in the peace and stability in border areasand in the sustainability of bilateral friendship.
He also commended both sides’ military agenciesand units for effectively implementing cooperation activities, keeping bordersecurity, and helping border communities pair with each other.
The officers signed the minutes on the fourth Vietnam-China border defencefriendship exchange.
Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation visited aprimary school near the Jin Shui He border gate of Yunnan province.
The Vietnamese delegation went home to wrap up the exchangeprogramme on the day.-VNA