Over 34 billion VND for COVID-19 vaccine purchase in HCM City

The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Ho Chi Minh City on April 12 received over 34 billion VND (1.47 million USD) from businesses, local residents and overseas Vietnamese to buy COVID-19 vaccines.
Over 34 billion VND for COVID-19 vaccine purchase in HCM City ảnh 1At the event (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) – The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee in Ho Chi Minh City on April 12 received over 34 billion VND (1.47 million USD) from businesses, local residents and overseas Vietnamese to buy COVID-19 vaccines.

The programme was held by the Ho Chi Minh Television in the first stage from February 25 to March 31, said Chairwoman of the committee To Thi Bich Chau.

Earlier on March 15, Chau received 1 billion VND from the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha's HCM City chapter in support of the effort.

Before April 12, the city’s COVID-19 prevention and control fund received more than 269.7 billion VND, including supplies and equipment worth over 90.5 billion VND from individuals and organisations at home and abroad.

The fund distributed supplies, equipment and cash valued at more than 179.6 billion VND to forces directly involved in the pandemic prevention and control at hospitals, medical stations, quarantine facilities, and the poor hit hard by the pandemic./.


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