Hanoi (VNA) – From now to the end ofAugust 2020, the aviation sector will continue working with diplomatic andmilitary agencies to conduct 50 more flights to bring over 13,000 Vietnamesecitizens home, according to head of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam(CAAV) Dinh Viet Thang.
So far, the CAAV has coordinated with airlinesto conduct over 60 flights repatriating nearly 16,000 Vietnamese citizens fromabout 50 countries and territories, Thang told Sai Gon Giai phong newspaper.
He added that the CAAV also collaborated withdiplomatic missions to give permission to domestic and foreign airlines to usecargo flights to bring back 1,255 Vietnamese citizens stranded at internationalairports and transit points due to travel restrictions.
Thang said with the domestic flight operationshaving returned to normal like in the period before the pandemic, the aviationsector has built plans on gradually resuming international commercial flightsbased on the COVID-19 situation in foreign markets.
According to Thang, the plans were based on theprinciples of selecting destinations which have effectively controlled thepandemic’s spread in the community; keeping flight frequency at the minimumlevel to meet domestic quarantine capacity; and strictly adhering to epidemiccontrol requirements of health authorities.
Earlier,the Ministry of Transport had proposed Prime Minister Nguyen XuanPhuc allow the resumption of commercial flights betweenVietnam and certain other countries in August.
It suggested flights to priority areas,including Guangzhou (China), Seoul (Republic of Korea), Tokyo (Japan), Taiwan(China), Vientiane (Laos), and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) be reopened, with oneflight per week for each.
In line with these plans, each week will seebetween 2,500 and 3,000 passengers enter the country./.