Over 80 firms to get national quality awards

As many as 82 local firms will be honoured with the 2013 annual National Quality Awards in Hanoi on March 16 in recognition of their performance excellence.
As many as 82 local firms will be honoured with the 2013 annual National Quality Awards in Hanoi on March 16 in recognition of their performance excellence.

There will be 20 golden prizes and 62 silvers, said Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Directorate of Standards, Metrology and Quality Tran Van Vinh at a press conference in Hanoi on March 11.

The top 20 winners include 10 involving in the manufacturing industry and six in services.

In 2013, the Vietnam Commercial Bank for Industry & Trade and Traphaco company were awarded the Asia – Pacific Global Performance Excellence Awards (GPEA) in services and manufacturing categories, respectively.

Between 1996 and 2013, over 1,500 enterprises received the national quality awards and 31 won the GPEA.

The event will be broadcast live on VTV1 channel.-VNA

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