Party chief calls for increased anti-corruption coordination

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked for strengthened coordination to ensure the strict implementation of laws related to corruption prevention.
Party chief calls for increased anti-corruption coordination ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (Source: VNA)

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has asked for strengthened coordination to ensure the strict implementation of laws related to corruption prevention.

Addressing the Central Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention and Combat’s 8 th meeting in Hanoi on September 28, the Party leader, who is also Head of the committee, requested involved agencies intensify communications on laws and policies as well as anti-corruption efforts and their results.

According to the committee’s report, measures to prevent corruption have been actively carried out, such as making operations of State agencies and organisations public, reforming administrative procedures and management technology, and making assets and incomes and public servants more transparent.

A Government Inspectorate report showed that 995,383 people transparently declared their assets last year, accounting for 99.6 percent of the target.

In the first half of 2015, the sector conducted 2,842 administrative inspections and 116,334 specialised inspections which revealed violations of economic laws and regulations involving the use of nearly 11.3 trillion VND (497.2 million USD) and 589 hectares of land. The sector proposed reclaiming 7.6 trillion VND (334.4 million USD) and 514 hectares of land.

Inspectors also issued 106,562 punishment decisions on offending organisations and individuals, collecting 1.8 trillion VND (79.2 million USD) in fines and passing 20 cases involving 76 individuals to criminal investigation agencies.

At the meeting, committee members also agreed that authorised offices should disseminate anti-corruption initiatives as well as provide information for press agencies.

They suggested speeding up investigations and prosecutions of major cases and improving forensic tests.-VNA


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