Party chief hails Military Zone 4 for ensuring social security

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong has hailed the High Command of Military Zone 4 for ensuring local political stability and social security and safety.
Party chief hails Military Zone 4 for ensuring social security ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visits Military Zone 4 High Command on October 29 (Photo: VNA)

Nghe An (VNA) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong hailed the High Command of Military Zone 4 for ensuring local political stability and social security and safety during a working session in the central province of Nghe An on October 29. 

He said the Military Zone 4 lies in a strategic location, covering six provinces in the central region so that the staff must uphold patriotism tradition and build a healthy and transparent unit loyal to the Party, the nation and people.

The Party chief called attention to building forces with political firmness and professionalism, adding that the Military Zone 4 must heed mass mobilisation and external relations, contributing to strengthening special solidarity with Laos.

Member of the Party Central Committee and Commander of the Military Zone 4 Lieut. Gen Nguyen Tan Cuong said the Military Zone 4’s Party unit and staff have seriously abided by resolutions and directives by the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, the Central Military Commission and Defence Ministry, particularly the resolution of the 12th National Party Congress and another by the eighth plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on national protection strategy in the new context.

In accordance with the resolution of the fourth plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee and the Politburo’s Directive No.05, the Party unit conducted criticism and self-criticism, thereby devising measures to fight political and ideological degradation, “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” phenomena, he said.

He added that the staff also actively responded to the campaign “Studying and following morals and lifestyle of Ho Chi Minh”. 

To cope with natural disasters and tropical low pressure, the Military Zone 4’s High Command deployed tens of thousands of officers and soldiers for search and rescue and helped local residents stabilise their lives. It also offered free health check-ups and medicines and worked closely with Lao localities and units to safeguard the shared borderline, he added.

In the morning the same day, the leader offered incense and paid floral tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at Kim Lien relic site, visited King Mai Hac De temple in Nam Dan district and Emperor Quang Trung temple atop Dung Quyet mountain.-VNA


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