Party chief welcomes Russian Foreign Minister

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is paying a two-day visit to Vietnam at the invitation of the host counterpart Bui Thanh Son. On July 6, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception for the Russian top diplomat.

At the meeting, Minister Lavrov told the Vietnamese leader that Russia attaches the importance to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Russia supports ASEAN's central role in the region, Lavrov said, adding that Russia thanks Vietnam for the latter’s efforts in promoting Russia-ASEAN relations. The diplomat also expressed Russia's position on international issues, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

General Secretary Trong affirmed that Vietnam always cherishes and remembers the help from international friends, including the great and effective assistance of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in its resistance wars and national development throughout periods.

The Party leader also shared with the Russian guest the viewpoint of Vietnam on international issues of mutual concern, which are in line with Vietnam's consistent foreign policy.

Vietnam is willing to contribute to the promotion of peace, stability and international cooperation, he noted./.