The article was written on the occasion ofthe 94th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)(February 3, 1930 - 2024).
Speaking highly of the writing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Quy Quynh,head of the personnel affairs and examination division at the Vietnam Academyof Science and Technology, said the article highlights all the remarkableachievements the country has obtained under the CPV’s leadership.
Written in a succinct, simple, and understandable style, thearticle points out the fact that by undergoing many development periods of theworld and humankind, the Party has identified right targets for each period andled Vietnam’s development in a way matching each development period of theworld, he said.
Quynh noted it identifies the difficulties and challenges facingthe Party, opportunities that must be seized, the focal and core tasks, alongwith regular tasks while demanding resolve and better implementation from thecentral level to each Party organisation, Party member, and the entire peopleto further develop the country.
The scholar held that to reach the goal of rich people and a powerful,democratic, equal, and civilised nation, each official and Party member needsto keep thoroughly grasping and seriously implementing the Party’s viewpointsand guidelines as well as the State’s laws and policies on fast and sustainabledevelopment, and apply them to their localities, agencies, and units.
Each Party member also needs to actively seize opportunities tohelp foster economic development, pay more attention to the harmoniousdevelopment of economic, cultural, and social aspects, guarantee social welfareand security, and unceasingly improve people’s material and spiritual lifequality.
It is also important that Party members are imbued with theParty’s ideology; severely comply with discipline and behave with integrity; boostcreativity and innovation in the fields they work in; think big, act bold, and dareto bear responsibility; bring into play their pioneering role and set goodexamples; and work for the sake of their collectives, the people, and the nation,according to Quynh.
Asa Party member at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Dr. TranQuang Dau said featuring three main parts, General Secretary Trong’s writing providesan overview of the Party’s history, from its foundation to its leadership overthe struggles for national independence, the South liberation, nationalreunification, the settlement of war consequences, the cause of Doi moi (Renewal),and integration into the world.
Over the last 94 years, the Party has always been a source ofpride of the Vietnamese people, who trust in and view the CPV as the politicalpioneering force and the only real leader of the entire nation.
The CPV is not only the decisive factor of every victory of Vietnam’srevolution but also a source of steadfast confidence and pride of the nation,he went on.
Showing his interest in the article’s Part 3 on the implementationof the Party and State’s Doi moi and international integration policies, Daunoted that this part outlines some major orientations and general issues andalso includes very concrete and detailed contents and requirements in terms ofdiscipline, morality, and wisdom for each Party organisation, Party member, andpeople./.