Party, State leaders meet ethnic minority legislators

Party and State leaders met with 86 deputies of the 14h National Assembly, who are from ethnic minority groups, in Hanoi on July 28.
Party, State leaders meet ethnic minority legislators ảnh 1Party and State leaders and ethnic minority deputies pose for a joint photo (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Party and State leaders met with 86 deputies of the 14h National Assembly, who are from ethnic minority groups, in Hanoi on July 28.

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan, were present at the gathering, among others.

Ha Ngoc Chien, Head of the National Assembly’s Ethnic Affairs Council, said through the NA’s terms, 49 out of the 53 ethnic minority groups have had their representatives at the law-making body.

Only the Lu, Ngai, Brau and O du ethnic minority groups have not yet to present at the NA, Chien said.

The percentage of ethnic minority deputies in the NA has risen significantly, ranging from 15-18 percent of the total deputies. It was 17.4 percent in the 14 th NA.

Addressing the meeting, NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan congratulated the 86 ethnic minority deputies and expressed her hope that they will work together with other deputies to perform soundly the functions and tasks of the NA and its related committees.

She asked the deputies to play a responsible role in the implementation of socio-economic development projects and programmes relating to mountainous, border and ethnic minority-inhabited areas.-VNA


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