Party’s inspection commission checks violations in Khanh Hoa, Dong Nai

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has reached conclusions on violations committed by incumbent and former officials of central Khanh Hoa province and decided on disciplinary measures for some others of the southern Dong Nai provincial Department of Public Security.
Party’s inspection commission checks violations in Khanh Hoa, Dong Nai ảnh 1Tran Cam Tu (standing), Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of the committee's Inspection Commission, chairs the 38th meeting of the commission (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – TheParty Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has reached conclusions onviolations committed by incumbent and former officials of central Khanh Hoaprovince and decided on disciplinary measures for some others of the southern DongNai provincial Department of Public Security.

The commission said on August23 that it held the 38th meeting in Hanoi recently.

During this meeting, it foundthat the Standing Board of Khanh Hoa province’s Party Committee and the Party unitof the provincial People’s Committee had violated the principle of democraticcentralism and lacked responsibility, leadership, examination and monitoring,thus causing many serious violations and shortcomings in the land managementand use and the implementation of construction projects, along withinfringements of the Party and State’s regulations and laws on land and forestallotment and leasing, bidding, investment, planning, construction, finance andtaxation.

These have led to “veryserious consequences” and caused “very big losses” to the State’s assets andbudget, according to the commission.

Le Thanh Quang, member of theParty Central Committee and Secretary of the Khanh Hoa provincial PartyCommittee, must bear the main responsibility for the violations andshortcomings of the provincial Party Committee, the commission concluded.

Le Duc Vinh, Vice Secretaryof the provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party unit and Chairman ofthe provincial People’s Committee; and Nguyen Chien Thang, former ViceSecretary of the provincial Party Committee, former Secretary of the Party unitand former Chairman of the provincial Party Committee, also share theresponsibility for those violations and shortcomings and are the main ones tobe blamed for the violations and shortcomings of the Party unit of theprovincial People’s Committee, it added.

Both Tran Son Hai, formermember of the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, former ViceSecretary of the Party unit and former Vice Chairman of the provincial People’sCommittee; and Dao Cong Thien, member of the provincial Party Committee, memberof the Party unit and Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee areresponsible for the violations and shortcomings of the Standing Board of theprovincial Party Committee and the Party unit of the provincial People’sCommittee. They also hold personal responsibility for the poor performance oftheir assigned duties.

The Inspection Commissionsaid the violations by the Standing Board of the Khanh Hoa provincial PartyCommittee, the Party unit of the provincial People’s Committee, and theabovementioned persons have affected the prestige of the local Party committeesand administration so negatively and stirred public concern so much thatdisciplinary measures against them must be considered.

During its meeting, thecommission also discussed disciplinary measures for the Standing Board of theParty unit of the Dong Nai provincial Department of Public Security and someindividuals, whose violations were pointed out at the 37th meetingof the commission.

It decided to dismiss Col. LyQuang Dung, former member of the Standing Board of the Party unit and formerDeputy Director of the department, from the post of member of the StandingBoard for the 2015-2020 tenure.

Meanwhile, warning was issuedagainst Maj. Gen. Nguyen Van Khanh, former member of the Standing Board of theprovincial Party Committee, former Secretary of the Party unit and formerDirector of the department; Col. Tran Thi Ngoc Thuan, Vice Secretary of theParty unit and Deputy Director of the department; Col. Ngo Minh Duc, formerVice Secretary of the Party unit and former Director of the department; Col.Nguyen Van Kim, member of the provincial Party Committee, member of theStanding Board of the Party unit and Deputy Director of the department; andCol. Nguyen Xuan Kim, former member of the Standing Board of the Party unit ofand former Deputy Director of the department.

The Inspection Commissionalso proposed the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat to considerdisciplinary measures against Col. Huynh Tien Manh, member of the StandingBoard of the Dong Nai provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party unitand Director of the provincial Department of Public Security; and Ho Van Nam,member of the Standing Board and head of the internal affairs division of theprovincial Party Committee. It also asked the Standing Board of Dong Naiprovince’s Party Committee to give penalties to the standing boards of theParty units of the provincial Department of Public Security for the 2010-2015and 2015-2020 tenures. -VNA

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