Peace-loving Americans and dedication to Vietnam

In today’s bulletin, we meet a special American who took part in protests demanding an end to the unjust US war in Vietnam in the late 1960s and 70s. He is Professor Ron Carver, a peace activist who was awarded the “For peace and friendship among nations” insignia by the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations for his ceaseless support of the Vietnamese people’s “Struggle for Peace”.

Ron and his wife Barbara Doherty have preserved many keepsakes and images of Vietnam and South Africa. These places are special to Ron, with heroes he admired, such as President Ho Chi Minh and former Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh, as well as President Nelson Mandela.

With such deep connections with Vietnam, Ron is delighted to see Vietnam-US relations being increasingly intensified.

The couple’s dedication to Vietnam has been converted into a book, “Waging Peace in Vietnam”, which is the result of many years of relentless work by the couple and David Cortright, all of whom are peace-loving journalists. Since publication, they have held exhibitions to introduce the book at 19 universities in the US and 8 in Vietnam.

The pain the war left for the Vietnamese people still concerns Ron. He is convinced that Americans should continue to take responsibility and remedy the consequences of war.

For him, the war is not over yet. Over the past 8 years, he has made more than a dozen trips to Vietnam to implement projects on overcoming the consequences of war and on education for Vietnamese students./.