In the first ten months of this year, despite facing a lot of difficulties dueto the COVID-19 outbreak which resulted in prolonged social distancing anddisruption of the supply chain of supplies and equipment, the group incoordination with contractors has striven to achieve its target.
The early completion of the oil production plan is a great effort ofPetroVietnam in the context of a decline in natural output of existing oil andgas fields after a long period of exploitation and investment and problemsarising relating to mechanisms in the development of new fields.
Thanks to the application of scientific and technological solutions to improveoil recovery, the group has reached the maximum exploitation output in terms oftechnical safety, taking advantage of market opportunities of rising oil pricesto make the highest contribution to the State budget.
PetroVietnam contributed 75.4 trillion VND (3.3 billion USD) to the Statebudget in the first 10 months of 2021, exceeding 21 percent of the 2021 plan andup 23 percent over the same period last year./.