Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles

Phia Den mountain, Cao Bang province, is considered hometown of glass noodle as natural conditions here are ideal for not only growing its ingredient – canna, but also for its making process.
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 1Phia Den hamlet in Thanh Cong commune, Cao Bang province’s Nguyen Binh district is home to green fields of canna, whose leaves are the main ingredient of glass noodle (Photo: VNA)
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 2Canna starch mixture has ivory colour and smooth texture (Photo: VNA)
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 3Raw glass noodles are dried under sun (Photo: VNA)
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 4The shimmering look of cellophane or glass noodles depends on purity of ingredients, mixing process and drying technique (Photo: VNA)
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 5Lying 2,000 metres above sea level, Phia Den mountain has perfect solar intensity for drying glass noodles (Photo: VNA)
Phia Den mountain: Hometown of glass noodles ảnh 6Finished glass noodles are packed for mass consumption (Photo: VNA)

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