Bids must be submitted before July 25 and theentire 250,000 tonnes are required to arrive in the Philippines between Augustand September.
The Philippines, one of the world’s largest riceimporters, usually buys from major suppliers such as Thailand and Vietnam.
However, this time’s bidding is opened toprivate suppliers from other countries, including Pakistan and India, as the SoutheastAsian country shifted away from buying rice under government-to-governmentdeals to ensure competitiveness and transparency, following accusations thatsome officials were making money from such deals.
Previously, in May, the NFA announced apreliminary tender plan to boost the country’s low stockpiles before the leanharvest season and to offset potential crop damage during the typhoon season,which typically peaks in October to December.
The current stockpile of the country is justenough to cover eight days of national requirements. The NFA is required tomaintain a 15-day buffer stock at any time during the year and at least 30 daysduring the off-season taking place from July to September each year.-VNA