Photos, films give Russians insight into Vietnam

Some 200 photos depicting Vietnam- Russia relations as well as Vietnamese history, culture, landscapes and cuisine are being on display at an exhibition held in Russia from September 1-6.
Photos, films give Russians insight into Vietnam ảnh 1One picture at the exhibition. (Photo: 

Some 200 photos depicting Vietnam- Russia relations as well as Vietnamese history, culture, landscapes and cuisine are being on display at an exhibition at the Hanoi-Moscow Multifunctional Complex in Russia from September 1-6, according to Ha Noi Moi newspaper.


More than 100 documentary films are also being screened to mark the 70 th anniversary of Vietnam ’s National Day and the 65 th anniversary of diplomatic relations between two countries.

The photo exhibition and film screening, themed “ Vietnam -World Destination 2015”, aim to promote the image of Vietnam as a socialist republic and foster the bilateral relationship.

Visitors have a chance to see how Vietnam is integrating into the world while retaining its traditional identity.

After the events concludes, all the photos and films will be handed over the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia for other displays.-VNA


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